SC: Pandora Tomorrow map editor bijna af

Op de Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow-website is te lezen dat de map editor voor de game bijna af is:

    “A map editor for Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow PC will soon be published. It’s based on the Unreal editor that some of you will already know. Documentation on some Splinter Cell specifics will be available at the same time, and this will be completed over time step-by-step.

    So start using your brain to imagine levels that you’d like to play. All the levels already available for Pandora Tomorrow will be downloadable in their editor version, which means that you will be able to analyse and adapt them as you want.

    Every map creates its original situations and we really hope that you – the Splinter Cell community – will create lots of new maps to play with. We wish you a lot of creativity!”

Ubisoft hoopt zo de community dus aan het werk te zetten aan het huidige deel van de serie en dat terwijl een nieuwe Splinter Cell niet echt lang meer op zich laat wachten.

    Nirusu's avatar
