Nieuwe Call of Duty 1.3 patch (Multiplayer)

Na de 1.2 patch, waarin onder andere het ‘bunnyen’ werd afgestraft, is nu ook de 1.3 patch uitgekomen voor de Call of Duty multiplayer. Leuke extra’s zijn de twee nieuwe levels, naast de gewone fixes van bugs. Ziehier een kort lijstje:


    – Radios for Headquarters made non-solid, to fix a potential exploit.
    – Improved server load in Headquarters spawning by making reinforcements spawn over multiple server frames rather than just one. This will create less lag when reinforcements spawn.
    – Headquarters now has a five second grace period. If you spawn and die then you get to respawn immediately. (farther away so you are not as likely to die again)
    – Fixed the bomb ticking sound not always working in “Search & Destroy.”


    – Fixed an exploit where prone players who leaned around corners could see the enemy without being seen.
    – Fixed an exploit where players could switch between prone and jumping positions to move rapidly across a map.
    – Fixed a bug with the sway animation of the sniper rifle scope on high ping servers.
    – Fixed an exploit where people could get extra grenades in “Search & Destroy” and “Retrieval.”
    – Fixed an exploit where reload animations could be skipped, decreasing reload times.
    – Fixed the bullet path of the PPSh and Sten in Aim Down The Sight mode.
    – Fixed a bug where players in all areas of the map heard the “click” of an empty weapon.
    – Fixed several minor animation bugs related to stance, leaning, jumping, etc.

Zie voor de rest van de info en de patch zelf hier.