Hitman: Contracts announcend

Eidos heeft vandaag officieel aangekondigd de game Hitman: Contracts te gaan maken. De game zal ontwikkeld worden door Io Interactive en zal in de lente 2004 voor de Xbox, Ps2 en Pc in de winkels liggen. Of deze releasedate wordt gehaald betwijfel ik, misschien een pijnlijk foutje?

    Hitman: Contracts will reveal a new side to Hitman. The game will be epic, highly disturbing, but most importantly an enjoyable experience. The technology we are employing will make it one of the most advanced games on the market.

    The Hitman series has massive mainstream appeal and is already well established as one of the industry’s biggest original intellectual properties. Hitman: Contracts is a sure-fire hit for 2004.

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