Unreal Championship update released

Er is op Xbox Live vanaf vandaag een patch beschikbaar voor Unreal Championship. Er zitten nog geen extra levels of characters bij, het enige wat de patch doet is exploits weghalen en bug-fixing. Maar zeer binnenkort zouden de eerste levels en characters moeten volgen. Wanneer je op Xbox Live inlogt zul je automatisch de patch moeten downloaden, anders kun je niet verder. De totale lijst aan veranderingen volgens het Atari forum is:

The Auto-update for Unreal Championship addresses the following:

1) The T.A.G. Rifle exploit.
2) The Rocket Launcher exploit.
3) All known map exploits.
4) The auto-aim exploit.
5) The novice bot, stats exploit.
6) The message: “No AA” now denotes a server that has auto-aim disabled.
7) The ‘ghost-flag’ exploit, in CTF matches.
8) Joining full servers: UC now checks if there is room in the game… before loading the map.
9) Resolved an occasional crash when joining a friend’s match.
10) Resolved issues with Max Players & Private Slots.
11) Players will now receive 1-point of damage when impeding lifts.
12) The translocator disc will return to the gun, if it impedes a lift.
13) Players can no longer utilize the translocator, to pass through world geometry.
14) Anti-aliasing is now disabled by default. To enable it, depress both thumbsticks simultaneously during the initial UC intro video sequence.
15) Team-balancing fixed. The message “Teams Unbalanced”, will show up briefly during an existing match, if the teams become unbalanced.