Return to Castle Wolvenstein: GOTY edition

Activision en id Software hebben de Game of the Year Editie van Return to Castle Wolvenstein aangekondigd. Dit om de verkoop van 1,2 miljoen exemplaren van deze topgame te vieren.

Als bonus krijg je bij deze GOTY editie de volgende zaken bijgeleverd:

Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Game of the Year offers all seven official post release multiplayer maps developed by Nerve Software and Splash Damage, including Chateau, Dam, Ice, Keep, Rocket, Tram and Trenchtoast. Plus, the special edition also features demos and trailers of several other popular titles powered by id Software’s legendary Quake III Arena(TM) engine. For gamers craving even more Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Game of the Year also delivers “Behind Enemy Lines,” the official making-of video as well as wallpapers, screenshots and cartoons for fans to savor the action on their desktop.

De GOTY editie van RTCW zal in de VS in de schappen gaan staan voor een adviesprijs van $ 44,99.